Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Chicken Pie

I have been asking many of my friends to share their interesting recipes but haven’t got any till this time. Here is one of my friend Smita’s recipe, so guys and gals this is special do try it. To keep this chicken pie easy to make I will write it in steps

Step 1
Chicken 1kg
Pepper powder 1 teaspoon
Ginger Garlic Paste 1tablespoon
Place these above thing in a pressure cooker to even boiling vessel can do. Cook it well so that the chicken is cooked and you are able to shred the chicken to pieces by hand.
Now, take it off the fire and let it cool down and then shred the chicken out of the bones and keep in on a separate bowl. Do not throw the stock, but you can thicken the stock a little more on the fire and use it to make the shredded chicken little wetty.

Step 2
Capsicum 2 big ones
Cut the mushroom and the capsicum into small-diced pieces and keep it aside.

Step 3
Sweet corn
1 egg
Steam the sweet corn in a bowl placing it over boiling water for about 3mins. Now, take a mixie jar and place the corn in it. Beat 1 egg in a glass and put in the mixie jar. Now, blend it for 10sec and keep it aside.

Step 4
Cheese – you can buy Britania Cheezza 150gms grated
Pepper – ½ teaspoon
Milk – 1 ½ to 2 cups
These ingredients are for making a cheese sauce. So take a saucepan and pour the milk in it, once it is little hot place in the grated cheese into it and also the pepper powder. Your cheese sauce is ready.

Step 5 placing in the baking tray
Sliced bread 6 – 8 pieces, use depending on the size of your baking tray
Butter the base of the baking tray. Cut the edges of the sliced bread and butter one side of it and place them on the tray till the it is covered as a single layer. Then take a egg white and brush it over the bread.
In a separate bowl mix all the stuffs of step 1 to 4. And place it on top of the bread in the baking tray and spread it nicely. Now, brush the top with egg yolk, you may need 2 – 3 yolks. Place some chopped capsicum and mushrooms on it.
Last, place some cheese slices or you can also grate some mozzarella cheese on top of it.
Pre-heat the oven as 200 degrees and place the tray in it for about 25 – 30mins approx or till the top is little brown in color.
Yummy, you Chicken pie is ready, so as we enjoyed our friends cooking, hope you all will also enjoy it too.